Sales Coach Reveals Powerful Strategy for Sales Success in Book, Persuasion Power

Released on: May 13, 2008, 10:19 am

Press Release Author: Sales Empowerment Institute

Industry: Marketing

Press Release Summary: Sales Coach, Alvin Day, offers new strategy to conquer the
most crucial part of the selling process in his book, Persuasion Power.

Press Release Body: Sales and Personal Empowerment Coach, Alvin Day, reveals what he
describes as perhaps the most powerful strategy a sales person can employ in order
to succeed in the selling profession. It isn't about product knowledge, networking
or even closing tactics, it is about individual reaction to rejection, a subject
faced by sales representatives on a daily basis.
"I have watched people walk away from potentially six-figure salaries just because
they cannot handle the rejection the job entails," says Day, referring to his days
as a Sales Manager at a multinational consumer packaged good company. "The great
rewards of hundred of thousands of dollars per year couldn't compare to the
embarrassment, dejection and general rotten feeling they experienced when being told
"no," by a prospect."
This is where Day refers to a concept he recently read in a personal empowerment
book regarding an important factor shared by those who reach great levels of success
in life. "In order to be successful," Day continues, "people must be willing to
widen their comfort zone." Most of us have dreamed of being our own boss and
breaking away from our regular jobs, however we don't, because we know that
entrepreneurs must take many risks.

Likewise, among the top earners in our country are sales professionals, however many
people overlook this profession because of the uncomfortable feeling of asking for

"Most people will never raise their earnings above the linear 'dollar for an hour'
concept offered by 'regular' jobs, because doing so will mean having to deal with
something that regular, ordinary, safe and (typically broke) people rarely have to
have to deal with."
Whether as a sales professional hearing the familiar words "I'm not interested," or
as a small business owner being refused a loan from a Bank Manager, when you take a
path with greater possible rewards, you are also taking a path with greater and more
frequent exposure to risks. One thing is certain, compared to a regular job you will
have to deal with massive amounts of REJECTION.

"If you are to succeed in any attempt to accomplish something beyond what is
ordinary," Day asserts, "you must put this behind you. You must develop your mind to
deal with rejection, adversity and failure."

Day goes on to describe two tactics for getting past rejection that he mentions in
his book, Persuasion Power:

1) Logical Separation
With this method, you separate your person, identity and being from the outcome of
any particular interpersonal event or business occasion.

Refuse to mix the feelings of negative events with your identity and your emotional

To achieve this, take a set a blank index card. Complete the sentence "I am." use a
blank card for each thought. Write out those only positive attributes, roles and
characteristics that make you proud.

Keep these cards with you and read them aloud whenever you face a adversarial
situation because of your attempts to accomplish more than you ever have in life.

2) Truth Bearer
The truth bearer mind game is the one in which you always remind yourself that you
have the best product, service, program or business idea.

Whenever people turn down your idea, whether the rejection is kind and respectful or
mean and hurtful, you have the same reaction."poor them."

For unbeknownst to people who turn you down, they have just missed out on the
biggest and best opportunity of their lives.

If you are able to hold such a positive impression of what you are offering, this
game will keep you mentally on top.

Alvin Day's Sales Tips and Self Improvement Advice have helped many sales
professionals and success-seekers reach and exceed their goals. For more of Alvin
Day's FREE resources, visit

Web Site:

Contact Details: 6801 Lake Worth Rd., #111,
Lake Worth, FL 33467

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